The Milner Centre for Evolution Project Update - June 2018

Posted in: Milner Centre

Roof works are continuing and the Bauder roof system has been installed to 98% of the main roof. The lower balcony is approx. 98% complete with just finishing works remaining. The small roof over the entrance door is approx. 80% complete.

Internally, the walls are continuing to be plastered, finished and painted. The feature ammonite ceiling in the breakout room is awaiting its final stages of being completed.  The ductwork and necessary containment for all of the electrical and data is currently being installed – we are imminently close to handing over the Comms Room, and getting all services live in the building. The raised access floor works are in their finishing stages on both floors. This month will see the installation of kitchenettes, tea points and toilets.

The stonework to the North elevation is now complete, with a view to the scaffolding being dismantled next week. This will then allow the continuation of groundworks and the commencement of both soft and hard landscaping.  The works surrounding the cills and flashing details for the grey Kingspan cladding is still ongoing. This month has seen the installation of the fins on the external curved curtain walling section.

The drainage works are now complete and the footpath has been fully reinstated. There are no immediate works planned outside of our hoarding which will have an impact on the users of the University.

Due to the on-going issues previously reported – namely, weather related issues slowing progress of key trades, extensive rock excavation and issues with the painting of the steel frame, the completion date still remains mid-July.

We are continuing to hold fortnightly meetings with the users of Building 4SA, and attend the monthly University Contractor’s meeting with a view to keeping staff and students informed of our works and to give notice of any potential disruption.

As always, we appreciate your patience and understanding whilst the construction phase is ongoing.

Current Site:


Forecast works over the next few weeks Noise level Forecast completion date
Materials deliveries – Bricks, Stone, Raised Access Flooring, Plasterboard,  etc. Occasional plant noise     Throughout June
General deliveries – Site sundries, plant etc. Occasional plant noise Throughout June


Posted in: Milner Centre