School of Management Project Update - March 2021

Posted in: School of Management

Externally the building continues to take shape with further elements of the façade installed. Internally the team continues to progress with the formation of multiple workspaces throughout the building.

Externally progression has continued with the installation of the façade to all elevations. Glazing has now been installed to all elevations and works are well underway with installing the rainscreen cladding to the gable ends. We have since removed a number of the mast climber access platforms to allow final finishing details to be install to the elevations. One of the biggest transformations to the appearance of the building is the ongoing installation of the brie soleil to the pavilion façade. This now provides a good insight into the selection of finishes for the building. At low level the team has also commenced with installing the numerous soffit details at ground level to the communal walkway space. At roof level we now see the level 6 roof finishes installed with final edge details in progress. On the pavilion roof we have completed the hot melt application and will commence with the insulation.

Internally, the basement is well underway with ductwork/pipework and electrical containment installation. Low level auditorium walls are installed with high level first fix in progress. With regards to level zero lecture theatres, high level M&E is complete including first fix audio visual install and walls are subsequently being closed. Internally on the upper floors’ WC cores are formed with high level M&E in progress. Subsequently the first fix walls are formed on all floors with M&E install following behind. We are pushing to close walls to the stair cores throughout the building to enable follow on works. The main pavilion area has also transformed internally as we have formed the toilet blocks and catering areas ahead of screen application.

The mock-up rooms have since been inspected and furnished. Further to the review of these finished rooms which have been well received we have set a high standard for the remainder of the project to which the supply chain is working towards achieving.

Forecast of upcoming works Noise Level Date
Facade, groundworks, M&E install Occasional plant noise Ongoing in March.
Material deliveries Occasional plant noise Ongoing in March.

Posted in: School of Management