School of Management Project Update - August 2021

Posted in: School of Management

Welcome to the monthly update focused on keeping you up to speed on progress being made at the University of Bath, School of Management project. Good progress has been made on all fronts internally and externally for the project with new work areas opening and key works commencing.

Internally we continue to push the fit our on all floors throughout the building. At basement level we have formed the cores and continue with vast M&E installation in this zone. Mains are now being pulled through the basement feeding the mains panels. In the main auditorium we have completed forming the last of the walls releasing the zone for finishes and follow on trades. Scaffold has been struck in the auditorium revealing the true space of this theatre. At level zero we continue with progress in all lecture theatres. Raised access floors have now completed and high-level M&E, this has released the areas to enable the ceiling installation to commence. Within the pavilion we are well underway with the installation of the ceiling grid in this zone. At level one we have commenced with the low-level M&E installation a key milestone as this is a key logistical challenge that has been unlocked. Similarly, on level two works are well underway with the installation of the low-level M&E. On level three and four with the completed areas of M&E we now see significant progress being made with the install of the raised access floors. These works have enabled follow on trades in the glass partitions and first fix carpentry to commence. These zones are now giving great insight into the final product and the team are working closely with the University to ensure quality standards.

Externally we are opening new work areas quickly on all fronts. Progress continues to be made on the public realm, within the period we have completed the install of the kerbs and manholes as required. The last of the duct runs have been put down enabling plant operations to commence to start levelling the area. On the west terrace we now see the first of the waterproofing application complete. To the south terrace the concrete works are now complete with the stairs, retaining walls and wailing beam now poured. This has now released the area for waterproofing. At roof level we are also now seeing the installation of the coping to the parapet coming to completion.

Buildings and construction work
Buildings and constructions work

Posted in: School of Management