We now have 400 members signed up to the Omnibus mailing list. Welcome to you all and hope to see you at one of activities or trips. Friends and family are welcome to join us on any of our trips, the only activity that is for registered members only are our lunchtime quizzes and we have one coming up on Wednesday 30th January 2019!
If quizzes are not your thing how about a sporting activity, we help to support Badminton, Football and Volleyball which run during lunchtimes, Omniboules (Pentaque/Boules) participate in the Tuesday league in Queen Square.
Boardgame club, Book group and Craft club also meet over lunch, then we also run evening theatre trips, local evening tours and day trips at the week end.
Check our the various individual pages within Omnibus’ blog site for more details.
Know someone who isn’t a member, encourage them to join, let’s see if we can reach 500 members by Easter, remember membership is now FREE.