NEW: Staff Basketball

Posted in: General News, Sports and Activities

Staff Basketball has been set up as a trail by Connor Russell from the Sports Department and is open to all Omnibus members.

These sessions are currently taking place from 12pm till 1pm on Fridays between June and August 2019, in the Founders Sports Hall.
21 June; 5 July; 26 July; 2 August; 9 August; 16 August & 23 August 2019.
Why not pop along and try this sport out or get in contact with Connor for more details (

Basketball not your sport then Omnibus also hosts, Badminton, Football, Volleyball, Cricket and Boules.

Sport not for you then check out Board-game Club, Book Club, Craft Club, Gardening club or lunchtime walking.

We also run taster activity sessions, local visits, day trips, theatre trips and quizzes.

Not an Omnibus member, it's free for staff to join.  You will be added to our mailing list and be the first to hear about our activities and trips.

Omnibus membership form 2018-19

Posted in: General News, Sports and Activities


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