Staff Wellbeing kick-start week

Posted in: General News

Some of our groups, Volleyball, Board Game club and Book group along with the Walking group are all hosting events during Staff Wellbeing kick-start week, so if you've been interested in joining in with one of these groups this is the week to try them out.

Volleyball have two one hour sessions both at the STV, Monday 14th October at 4pm and Wednesday 16th October at 11am.

Board Game Club are meeting on Tuesday 15th October at 12pm in the Chancellors Building CB 3.6

Book group are meeting to discuss last month's book, Pride and Prejudice as well as chose a new book for the coming month, you are welcome to bring your lunch along on Thursday 17th October at 12.15pm in Wessex House WH3.36

The walking group are meeting on the following days outside the library by the planters:
Monday 14th October for a 45 minute walk starting at 12pm
Wednesday 16th October at 12.15pm for a Nature walk lasting 45 minutes
Thursday 17th October 12.30pm for a 30 minute walk

Posted in: General News


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