Nipuni and Alex to attend the One Young World summit

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One Young world (OYW) is a global forum which gathers young leaders from around the world, empowering them to make lasting connections and develop solutions to some of the world's most pressing issues. Just under 2 weeks to the summit in Dublin, I am well excited to meet young delegates from all across the world with the aim of connecting with driven, passionate delegates and innovative thought leaders from various fields and equips myself with tangible skills and personal experiences in order to collectively produce responsible solutions to shared global problems and create the change we wish to see in the world.

This whole experience of applying to OYW has taught me how to think professionally, how to think critically, and how to think globally.

I have just been given some fantastic news. I have been announced as the flag bearer of Sri Lanka. In this proud moment, I look forward to one of the most fulfilling and dynamic experiences of my entire university career, where I will make a promise to help make a difference in the world the moment I touch my flag to march up as the next generation of global change leaders where I then hope to bring back and share this invaluable experience with my fellow peers at University of Bath.

My profile can be found here:

Nipuni Perera

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