Following on from One Young World Bath 2019, a project relating to Sustainability and the environment was awarded £250 to implement into practice. The winning project revolved around CO2 emissions with the winning group wanting to highlight the carbon footprint of different foods on campus. The group aims to make students and staff more conscious of the impact of their dietary habits on the environment. Currently, the group is made up of students from a number of different students groups and societies, including People and Planet and the Chemical Engineering Sustainability Group (CESG). As my 10 month placement as a Student Engagement Ambassador, with the theme of sustainability and citizenship, draws to a close it is fantastic to see students from different disciplines and academic years come together to try and combat such a vital issue. One of my main aims at the start of my placement was to build a ‘Sustainability Community’ across campus and initiatives like this are helping to make this vision into a reality. I hope that this initiative can be developed further, alongside some staff collaboration, to further raise awareness of Sustainability across campus. I look forward to seeing where the future of this project lies.
Matthew Dawes
Student Engagement Ambassador
MEng Chemical Engineering Student