Working at the interface of statistics with applied and computational mathematics
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My time in Japan
We all have dreams. Not all of us have the privilege of them materialising. It is sometimes easier to just have a bucket list. You try and complete it as the inevitable advance of time enriches you as a being....
The SAMBa Summer Conference: A Dramatic Diary
The following is an over-dramatic recollection from organising the SAMBa Summer Conference in 2018. Events have been exaggerated but do resemble some form of thoughts that I had at the time. Monday 16th October 2017 The team is back together!...
SAMBa visits Paraguay after ITT8
ITT8 in June 2018 opened with a celebration of SAMBa’s first completed PhD student, Marcus Kaiser, and also noted another first – a government minister here to present some problems for us to consider. This was José Molinas, Minister for...
The PSI Conference 2018: PhD family meals, catching up with past colleagues, and trying to avoid death by bike!
PSI (Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry) is the largest professional body for statisticians working in or with the pharmaceutical industry. It holds an annual conference, alternating between London and a European city. Luckily, starting this year means I’ll get to...
CSCT started a Twitter competition in December, for PhD students and academics across the globe to decribe their research in a limerick! Here is what SAMBa students came up with... Matt D - ODE to Matt P For many long...
Jyväskylä Summer School 2017
I have always wanted to explore Scandinavia as I am fascinated by their arctic cultures and mysterious auroras. And SAMBa made my dream come true! My department advertised a post-graduate summer school in Finland, where students come together to study...