How can developments in Water Accounting inform and reshape asset management practices in the UK water sector?

Posted in: WIRC @ Bath

This January see the next talk in the monthly 'Water Colloquium' series organised by WIRC @ Bath exploring the breadth of water research being undertaken at the University of Bath.

Title: How can developments in Water Accounting inform and reshape asset management practices in the UK water sector?

Speaker: Chrysoula Papacharalampou


When: Tuesday 12th January 2016 at 5.15pm

Where: Room 2.2, Building 6 East, University of Bath (Location and maps)

Abstract: The Natural Capital Declaration (NCD, UNEP 2011) requests companies to disclose the dependence and impact of their assets and services on the natural environment through transparent qualitative and quantitative reporting. Yet, limited work has been done so far. Efforts have mainly focused on the economic valuation of natural captial and ecosystem services, rather than the creation of methodologies devoted to reporting and accounting for the mutual relationships among built, financial and natural assets. Developments in the field of Water Accounting (i.e. the systematic process of identifying, quantifying, reporting and publishing information about water as a resource) could be used as a basis for such methodologies.

Drawing from literature and building on tools from Industrial Ecology, Life Cycle Assessment and Water Footprinting, we aim to overcome the challenge and create a methodology which allows asset managers of the water sector to 'internalise' natural assets in their portfolio.

The ongoing work aspires to provide a structured and coherent approach to information gathering and processing and to assist communication among stakeholders in the water sector, including policy makers and catchment scientists. It also responds to the needs for "greener" business plans, systems' perspective and novelty in pricing and investment modelling in the water sector.

Contact: Please email Sarah Eliot if you need any further information.

Posted in: WIRC @ Bath


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