Mechanical Engineering
Bath successfully hosts first ever UK Wetskills event
The following blog post was contributed by Chrysoula Papacharalampou from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The Water Innovation & Research Centre (WIRC @ Bath) in collaboration with the Wetskills Foundation, have successfully organised the first ever UK edition of the...
WIRC @ Bath attends 17th edition of IWA-UK Young Water Professionals Conference
A delegation from Bath attended the 17th edition of the UK Young Water Professionals Conference in Norwich – organised jointly by the International Water Association (IWA), Anglian Water and the University of East Anglia. The conference, held from the 30th...
How can developments in Water Accounting inform and reshape asset management practices in the UK water sector?
This January see the next talk in the monthly 'Water Colloquium' series organised by WIRC @ Bath exploring the breadth of water research being undertaken at the University of Bath. Title: How can developments in Water Accounting inform and reshape...
A water trip to Amsterdam
The following blog post was contributed by Chrysoula Papacharalampou, a PhD Research Student in Mechanical Engineering. It was only a few days ago that I returned back from Amsterdam, where I spent two of the most exciting weeks of my...
Thinking Catchments: moving beyond physical asset management
Research by Chrysoula Papacharalampou, a PhD Research Student in the Sustainable Energy Research Team in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is featured in both Water Active and the Institute of Water Journal this month. Her research currently being undertaken in collaboration...