The first cohort of students for FRESH CDT (the NERC Centre for Doctoral Training in Freshwater Biosciences and Sustainability, a collaboration between the universities of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter) visited Bath from 5th to 16th November for their Core Skills Training. The Core Skills training is one of the four training courses in the first six months of the CDT.

The subject of the training was ‘Emerging multiple risks to freshwater’. A mixture of lectures, group work, and a field trip to Wessex Water’s Saltford sewage treatment works and laboratories was organised for the students. The lectures delivered by Bath academics (Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern, Jannis Wenk, Pedro Estrela and Jan Hofman) focused on the origin and fate of emerging pollutants, standards and environmental risk assessment, water treatment, and sensors. Professor Steve Ormerod and Fred Windsor from Cardiff University covered the topics of general stressors for freshwater and microplastics, and finally Professor Daren Gooddy and colleagues from the British Geological Survey discussed the basics of groundwater in relation to emerging risks. In addition, social activities, including a ballroom dancing workshop, organised by one of the Bath students, Dominic Macias, were included in the programme.

In the group work, the students had to write a perspective paper and prepare a presentation for the final day of the course. All the students worked hard on their final presentation and contributed towards a successful training course - we would like to thank all students for their participation, and wish them success for the future of their course!

Posted in: FRESH CDT


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