WIRC water colloquium 18/02/2021
The WIRC water colloquia series returned on the 18th February 2021. This colloquium showcased the research of two early career colleagues. FRESH CDT student Franek Bydalek presented his research with talk titled, 'The role of constructed wetlands in tackling water...
The COP26 Universities Network
The COP26 Universities Network is a growing group of more than 40 UK-based universities working together to raise ambition for tangible outcomes from the UN COP26 Climate Change Conference, to be held in Glasgow, Scotland in November 2021. The Network will...
Full programme announced: GW4 WSA Annual Conference – Mon 2-Wed 4 November 2020
The GW4 WSA's annual conference is next week and full details of the programme have been released.This year’s conference will provide attendees with opportunities to lean about the breadth of research taking place across the GW4, share water-related research experiences...
GW4 WSA PhD Conference, 28th-30th September, 2020
A team of PhD students from across the GW4 are leading an exciting new conference. Working with the WSA and The Flow Partnership, the event will bring together practitioners working with communities across the world, and researchers, working in fields...
Apply now for a doctoral studentship with FRESH CDT
The FRESH CDT is now advertising another batch of exciting projects in freshwater bioscience and sustainability for an October 2020 start. Interviews will likely take place at the Water Research Institute, Cardiff University (tbc) in w/c 17 February 2020. The application form...
Freshwater research challenges sought for the FRESH CDT
In September 2017, the NERC Centre for Doctoral Training in Freshwater Biosciences and Sustainability (FRESH CDT) was awarded (£2M) to the GW4 Water Security Alliance, together with its partners BGS and CEH. The FRESH CDT is now starting up, with...