Apply now for a doctoral studentship with FRESH CDT

Posted in: FRESH CDT, GW4, Water Security Alliance

The FRESH CDT is now advertising another batch of exciting projects in freshwater bioscience and sustainability for an October 2020 start. Interviews will likely take place at the Water Research Institute, Cardiff University (tbc) in w/c 17 February 2020. The application form will ask questions surrounding:

  • Your academic qualifications
  • Any research experience to date
  • How your experience fits you to the project(s) to which you have applied
  • Why you are interested in doing a PhD with a CDT and these  projects in particular

Studentships will last for 3.5 years full-time or the equivalent period part-time. Applicants must demonstrate an outstanding academic record: at least a 2:1 undergraduate degree or equivalent, or relevant masters degree. NERC-funded studentships are subject to UKRI eligibility requirements. In short, you should be a citizen of the UK or other EU country and have been residing in the UK for the last 3 years (apart from temporary or occasional absences).

More information about these studentships and the process for applying can be found here.


Posted in: FRESH CDT, GW4, Water Security Alliance


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