Mirella Di Lorenzo
Improving the drinking water situation in Mexico
The following post was contributed by Dr. Jannis Wenk, a Lecturer in Water Science and Engineering in the Department of Chemical Engineering. From Friday September 1st to Thursday September 7th 2017 a delegation from WIRC @ Bath consisting of Dr...
Water Quality Monitoring and Electricity from Wastewaters with Microbial Fuel Cells
This May sees the next talk in the monthly 'Water Colloquium' series organised by WIRC @ Bath exploring the breadth of water research being undertaken at the University of Bath. Title: Water Quality Monitoring and Electricity from Wastewaters with Microbial...
Water sensor work shorlisted for two Global IChem Awards
Dr Mirella Di Lorenzo in the Department of Chemical Engineering has been shortlisted for two IChemE Global Awards for her work on water sensors. Her entry '3D printed microbial water sensor' has been shortlisted for both the Water Management and...
Water research inspires composers
This month sees the premiere of two new pieces, created through collaboration between scientists at the Universities of Bath and Bristol, and composers from the South West. These compositions were brought about by a new project, lab notes, which convenes...
Safeguarding the UK’s Water, Energy and Food Resources
EPSRC is investing £4.5 million to safeguard the UK’s water, energy and food security. With the world’s population due to grow to eight billion by 2030, humanity is facing a crisis with predictions of increasing demand and shortages of water,...