Advancing Research Computing
Balena unavailable on 26th January 2016
On Tuesday 26th January there will be a mandatory fire suppression test being carried out in the same room as the Balena HPC system. We need to treat this as a potential risk of power outage to the data centre...
HPC Symposium 2016 - Thursday 9th June
Here is a date for your diaries, the University's 5th Symposium on HPC will be held on Thursday 9th June 2016. The main aim of the symposium is to provide a forum for current (and prospective) users of the University's...
Balena HPC Inauguration - 25th January 2016
Balena HPC Inauguration Monday 25th January 2016, 12:30 until 14:00 4 West 1.1 We will be hosting the inauguration of the Balena HPC system on Monday 25th January from 12:30 until 14:00 at 4 West 1.1. We warmly invite all...
Aquila /data area is being recovered
To update everyone on the condition of the /data storage area. I have some good news! We received the new power supply from ClusterVision for the storage server, after fitting the new supply we discovered that the mainboard has also...
Aquila HPC service retirement - 30 September 2015
The compute nodes on the Aquila HPC system will be powered down on 30th September 2015, the process starts at midday. As well as powering down the compute nodes, we will also be disabling the scheduler system and turning off...
Aquila HPC service retirement - 30th September 2015
We trust that everyone is making good use of the Balena HPC service, it certainly appears to be heavily used over the last few months. I would like to make you aware that on 30th September 2015, we will be...
Balena service online after BeeGFS upgrade
The Balena HPC service is now ready for use after the BeeGFS parallel file system upgrade - new features available after this upgrade include informational quota and quota enforcement. We have successfully completed cluster wide pre-production tests to ensure that...
Brilliant engineering, blink and you'd miss it
You would not see a car travelling at 1000 miles per hour across the Bath Rugby Rec if you blinked. This seems a shame but, to be fair, the Bloodhound car is unlikely to use the Bath Rugby Rec as...
The Birth of Balena
The above video shows the installation, by ClusterVision, of the University of Bath's newest High Performance Computing (HPC) system, Balena. The Balena HPC system is based on the Intel Xeon E5-2650v2 IvybridgeV2 processor and also consists of NVIDIA and...
SAMBa CDT provide training in Scientific Computing using HPC
The SAMBa CDT, funded by EPSRC, provided additional funding to grow the computational and storage capacity of the University of Bath's new HPC system, Balena. As part of the degree all students will gain valuable skills in Scientific Computing and many...