Fairtrade Fortnight round up 2019

Posted in: Fairtrade

We’ve been a Fairtrade university since 2009, committed to using and promoting Fairtrade products in our food, drink and retail outlets on campus.

We celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight each year, which aims to raise awareness of the difference that Fairtrade can make to people’s lives and communities.

In the last couple of weeks, we hosted the following packed calendar of events, which we hope you all enjoyed…

Monday 25 February

Students and staff visited our stand on the Parade to learn about Fairtrade and answer a quiz question to get a free Fairtrade hot drink.

Tuesday 26 February

We gave away a free Fairtrade rocky road treat with all hot drink purchases in ahs food outlets.

Our trip to Westwood Nursery on campus involved educating the children on where Fairtrade food comes from and why it is important. They enjoyed the banana film, games and making rice krispy cakes with Fairtrade ingredients!

Thursday 28 February

Our suppliers Bidfood, The Natural Beverage Company and Percol visited campus to let us all taste some delicious Fairtrade food and drink samples.

Friday 1 March

Our Fairtrade Instagram quiz received many entries, with one lucky student winning a bundle of Fairtrade goodies.

Monday 4 March

We returned to the Parade to give away more Fairtrade hot drinks in return for answering quiz questions.

Tuesday 5 March

Junieth Maribel Leiva, a Fairtrade coffee producer from Nicaragua visited the University. Junieth met some of our academics at Wessex Restaurant for a Fairtrade lunch. She then gave a compelling talk on the difference that Fairtrade has made to her life back home.

Wednesday 6 March

We visited Oldfield Park Junior School, Beechen Cliff School, St John’s Catholic Primary School and Prior Park College to help teach the children about the importance of Fairtrade.

St John’s fed back to us, “it was a very personal talk and the children were spellbound with her stories of how little money she made from her crops until she joined the Fairtrade movement. She showed pictures of her house, her kitchen and her family. The children took part in a game where they had to guess just how much money each group of people in the production chain made, before and after Fairtrade became involved. They loved listening to her and made a promise that we would try much harder to buy Fairtrade products where they could.”

Thursday 7 March

Students were invited to view a Fairtrade coffee farm in Kenya using our virtual reality headsets.

Friday 8 March

Time for the annual South West Fairtrade Business Awards – and we won gold!

Fairtrade awards 2019

Posted in: Fairtrade


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