The Student Engagement team in CLT is now in the depths of student survey season. Responses are coming in well for NSS, UKES, PTES and PRES as we enter week four.
This year's campaign name, 'Shape the Future', was created by our partners at NSS and Ipsos MORI to remind students of the value of their feedback. A strong culture of student engagement helps us to deliver an inspirational student learning experience. Data from our annual student surveys help us to monitor levels of student satisfaction, fulfil quality enhancement and assurance requirements, and provide information to prospective applicants.
Student feedback in recent years has contributed to numerous University initiatives, including designating spaces as learning commons, providing more pastoral support via a new residential life and wellbeing service, embedding anonymous marking, and taking the first steps to develop a 'one-stop-shop' virtual skills hub.
A key part of encouraging high levels of student engagement is to ensure that students are informed of what we have done in response to their feedback. We are always looking for examples of changes that have been made at a unit, programme, departmental or Faculty/School level in response to student feedback. Please tell us your examples by emailing We are looking forward to hearing from you. Your examples will help us to encourage new students to take part in student engagement activities, as well as share best practice across the University.
In the meantime, please continue to encourage your students to complete this year's surveys. Please direct all students to where they will be able to access the survey relevant for their year and level of study.
We will open unit evaluations for semester two during the week commencing 16 April. All student surveys for the 2017/18 academic year will remain open until Monday 30 April.
Thank you to everyone who is continuing to help us promote this year's surveys.