Amy Phillips
Amy Phillips3rd July 2019
A Semester in NZ
Author: Lydia Kendrick, 3rd Year MEng Chemical Engineering For those of you that aren’t aware, in third year, Chem Eng students at Bath have the chance to do a semester abroad. Personally, I love Bath, and 12 months ago, had...
Amy Phillips3rd June 2019
My Overseas Research Project in Auckland
Ella Allison-Drake, Year 3 MEng Chemical Engineering One of the things that drew me to Bath was the opportunity to study abroad for some of my degree. Unsurprisingly, I wasn’t going to miss the chance to come to New Zealand...
Amy Phillips28th May 2019
My Semester in Murcia, Spain
Azin Azarbarzin, 3rd Year MEng Chemical Engineering I chose to carry out my third year research project in Murcia, Spain and it has turned out to be a fantastic decision! I was very apprehensive before arriving as I had never...
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Amy Phillips24th May 2019
My Semester in Brisbane
William Crookall, 3rd year MEng Chemical Engineering I’m now (sadly) coming to the end of my overseas research project at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, and what a few months it’s been! The project has been interesting but...
Amy Phillips3rd December 2018
Chemical Engineering Postgraduate Sustainability Group
Our postgraduate sustainability group is led by students at various stages of their PhD and primarily aims to target sustainability related issues in the Department of Chemical Engineering. As most of our Research involves massive use of chemicals, water, plastic...
Amy Phillips12th November 2018
Adventures at the 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting: Today, Tomorrow and Leading the Future
Author: Stephen Salve Doliente, PhD Student in Chemical Engineering; First Prize Winner, 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting Sustainable Engineering Forum Poster Competition - Considered as the leading and largest convention for chemical engineers interested in innovation and professional development, I am...
Amy Phillips9th July 2018
My Research Project at Polytechnique Montreal
Author: Amy Clarke, 3rd Year MEng Chemical Engineering This semester, I chose to complete my research project at Polytechnique Montreal in Canada – and four months have flown by! When I and the other Bath students arrived in February, there...
Amy Phillips6th July 2018
A Semester Abroad in Montreal
Author: Tim Roberts, 3rd Year MEng Chemical Engineering - The thought of spending some time abroad had always appealed to me so I was really happy to get the chance to study in Montreal. We arrived in the middle of...
Amy Phillips2nd July 2018
5 Months in Backpackers Paradise - My research project in Christchurch
Author: Danny Lockwood, 3rd Year MEng Chemical Engineering - When I was applying to universities I applied to those which offered some form of study abroad, either for a year or semester, as one of the best pleasures in life...
Amy Phillips15th May 2018
My Overseas research project in Montreal
Author: Theron Darlow - When the opportunity to carry out my 3rd year research in Montreal arose, I was not hesitant to seize it! It is rare that you are presented with an occasion that provides an endless supply of...