Macro of the month: User profile
Introduction The User Profile function in Confluence is an easy way to display contact details. User Profile is a macro that displays the latest profile details of a named user. It can be used to help visitors to the wiki...
Macro of the month: Contributors/Contributors Summary
Introduction The Contributors/Contributors Summary function in Confluence is useful in just about every wiki space where there are multiple authors and editors; it both informs visitors about who is working on a space and also acknowledges those contributors. Contributors/Contributors Summary is a...
Introduction to wiki (again)
Wiki, wiki, wiki... We've all heard about it. Our Faculty's internal web pages. But why should we use it? Basically it has all the information you need... About everything else. Imagine this. You need to know what the new...
Macro of the Month: Task Report
Introduction The Task List function in Confluence is useful in its basic form (as a 'tick box') but if it is used to its full extent (i.e. including a name and a deadline with each task) it can be used to...
Macro of the Month: Attachments
Introduction It is a straightforward matter to attach documents to a page on Confluence and then link them individually to items of text. However, in the case of a large number of attachments, many lists of attachments within a space,...
Macro of the Month: Roadmap Planner
Introduction Roadmap Planner is a simple macro within Confluence that creates a map for projects. As well as displaying basic information about a project timeline, it can also be linked to more in-depth information on individual work packages. Roadmap Planner allows...
Using Wiki to improve processes
I first used Wiki when I started in my current role to share papers for a group meeting. I only used very basic features to start with, such as uploading papers and using permissions to give new members access, but...
Macro of the month: Survey and Vote
Introduction Survey and Vote are straightforward to set up and can be used in different ways. They enable the gathering of information, opinions and general feedback from visitors. Survey allows you to ask several questions and offers a list of...
Macro of the Month: Search box
Introduction Search box is another basic macro with one specific use. It enables visitors to find information on the space relating to their choice of search term Application(s) Search box has one function: allows you to create a search box...
Macro of the Month: Column
Introduction Column is another basic macro with one specific use. It is useful for breaking up areas of the page to allow you to control the layout. Application(s) Column has one function: allows you to subdivide a section of a...