More details
This is the Department for Health's Athena Swan blog page, where we will be communicating our journey towards an Athena Swan Bronze Award to staff and students.
Why are we doing it?
There is an extensive body of research that demonstrates gender inequality still exists in many areas that affect women’s career opportunities in sport and health related fields, involvement in academic life and progression for academic and professional staff (widening pay gap in society, low proportion of female professors, lack of continuity with short term research contracts, juggling careers with motherhood).
The Department for Health seeks to develop strategies to address gender barriers and promote an inclusive organisational culture for women and men from diverse social backgrounds. Athena SWAN accreditation is increasingly recognised by key bodies, such as research councils and higher education organisations, as an important response to societal issues that impact individual lives and organisational success.
Contact us
Please contact us if you wish to contribute related links and information about initiatives supporting gender equality and inclusive academic cultures. The Equalities Challenge Unit is currently working on an integration of Athena Swan principles and the gender equality charter mark, so the focus will broaden the current STEMM focus to include social sciences. We will keep you posted about changes.
Dr. Jenny Hatchard or Prof. Simone Fullagar