Embedding ‘serious’ games in the curriculum: an aide to active learning?
Please watch back a recording of the event for further information.
There is great potential for serious games to facilitate active learning, particularly in courses that are strongly theory-led and where traditional teaching methods may reinforce students’ feelings of detachment from the subject matter.
This workshop explored using serious games to:
- facilitate active learning in the classroom
- share their own experience of using similar technology-enabled aides to teaching
- discuss potential applications for serious games to support their students’ needs
- identify what resources are needed to realise the benefits of these aides to learning and teaching more widely across the University.
Dr Hannah Durrant is the University of Bath's Institute for Policy Research Co-ordinator, who is seeking to engage with colleagues across the University with an interest in technology enhanced learning and teaching. Previously, Hannah was Teaching Fellow in Social and Policy Sciences, and developed her interest in using serious games in learning and teaching as a result of the encouragement of other tirelessly creative and committed academics in the department.