Being on a Joint Honours Course...

Posted in: Choosing a course

Hello, I hope you are well. My name is Erin and I am hoping that after reading this blog post you will have gained insight into what being on a Joint Honours Course at the University of Bath looks like. 

The reason I chose to study a Joint Honours Degree is because when I finished my A-levels, I didn’t really know what career path I wanted to go down. I knew that I enjoyed both Maths and Physics but wasn’t sure which I would like to continue with at university so when I saw that Bath offered a Joint Honours including both subjects this appealed to me greatly. 

Joint Honours means that you study both subjects 50/50 for at least the first two years (from year three you then choose your modules and can choose to stay 50/50 of each subject or you can choose to have more of one and less of the other). However, there is a great deal of flexibility should you start and realise that you prefer one subject, you can easily switch to a Single Honours Course. This is a very common transition so you definitely will not be the only one should you choose to switch! 

Joint Honours offers a huge range of flexibility, both while you are at university and also when you graduate and it comes to job searching. You are qualified in two subjects, so you are highly employable and can apply for double the amount of jobs. 

Another thing I have really enjoyed about being on a Joint Honours Course is the variety to my timetable. Studying two subjects you are taught by two different Departments teaching styles. I have really enjoyed this and have found it really helpful to have the variety to my day.

A common assumption is that Joint Honours students have more work. To an extent I think that this is true but I don’t think that the work level is extortionate. For instance, I was able to manage it alongside clubs, societies and sports, while also having time to spend with my friends. 

I have found that studying Maths and Physics alongside each other to be really helpful as there is often overlap in topics, meaning I can learn about the same concept from a slightly different viewpoint which makes understanding it much easier. 

For me personally Joint Honours has worked out brilliantly and I would strongly recommend it to anyone who is undecided as to what specific subject they would like to study or the career path they wish to follow.

Posted in: Choosing a course


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  • Hi Erin, just got a question regarding the flexibility of subjects they allow you to combine. I will be applying next year for 2024 and wondered whether you know anyone doing Criminology and Psychology? And was there equal amounts in content or was it one sided?

    • Hi Immy, thank you for your question. Unfortunately, we do not offer a combined course for Criminology and Psychology. If you are interested in Criminal Psychology, I would suggest applying for a BSc in Psychology as there will be more opportunity to overlap the two subjects than taking straight Criminology. If you have any further questions, please email