
I am a 3rd year Health and Exercise Science student currently on placement. My placement year is split into two halves, 5 months in Exeter in a Children's Research Centre, and then the last 5 months in the Bristol Children's Hospital.

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    Following on from a previous blog where I attended a school to undertake data collection on whether the timing of exercise (performed in the morning, or afternoon) affects a child’s cognitive function. Here are the tests explained. The Go-No-Go test...

  • What to know before going on placement

    Having been on placement now for 6 months, these are some of the things I have learnt and advice I would give to those of you starting a placement. Being nervous is completely normal. Any new situation or environment may...

  • My first placement day in The Children's Hospital

    I made my lunch and packed my bag the night before. My clothes were laid out ready, however, I don’t have a set uniform; the policy is just smart, plain clothes so I will be making the use out of...

  • Living during my placement year

    Getting a placement Firstly, I just want to mention, don’t panic in second year when all your friends are starting to secure their placements. I didn’t get mine until the end of February, which I thought was late. But I...