CHI 2021 Video Presentation Preview - Augmented Reality and Older Adults: A Comparison of Prompting Types

Posted in: Conferences, EngD, Papers, Presentations

There are just a few days to go before this year's ACM CHI conference (pronounced: "ay see em kai") gets started, which will of course be taking place online. At the end of last year, I announced that our paper had been accepted. Today, I am delighted to share that our paper has also received an Honourable Mention Award, which means that our paper was considered to be in the top 5% of papers submitted to the conference.

It is incredibly rewarding to receive this type of recognition and it gave me a big boost of confidence when I found out.

At the same time, it just goes to show that a rejected paper (ours was rejected twice before, including once at CHI) can lead to an award-winning paper if you keep working on it and take on board the feedback from reviews. If I have learned anything during the multiple submission processes I have been through so far, it's:

Don't get disheartened by a rejection! It really does lead to a better paper in the end.

Getting a paper published at CHI is an achievement in itself, so congratulations to everyone who had a paper accepted. The full list of best papers and honourable mentions is available on the conference programme and information about the selection process is available on the conference website.

My Video Presentation

I will be attending the presentation sessions next week, which combine pre-recorded video presentations with live question and answer (Q&A) sessions after each video. I wanted to share an advance preview of my pre-recorded presentation for those of you interested in my work but who may not be able to attend the conference. Here is the video presentation that will be played at the conference:

I am looking forward to talking to others about my work and exploring other papers about dementia and augmented and virtual reality. I will also be keeping an eye out for some unexpected things: CHI never disappoints.

If you will be attending CHI, touch base with me on Twitter at @tjw_94 or reach out via email to learn more about my work!

Posted in: Conferences, EngD, Papers, Presentations


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