Be Well
Tips, news and student experiences about creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle at university.
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Stay Healthy This Winter: 5 Essential Tips for Students
With the cold weather taking a firm grip now, it’s becoming increasingly harder to avoid those winter illnesses that circulate this time of year. You’ll be very lucky if you manage to dodge them completely. Go on the internet and...
The Essential Exam Morning Checklist for University Students
Exam days can be overwhelming with stress and anxiety but starting your morning with a few simple and effective habits can help set you up for success! Aqida shares how she has learned to prepare for an exam day to...
Self-Care During Exam Season: Your Ultimate Survival Guide
Exam season can feel like a whirlwind of deadlines, late-night study sessions, and caffeine-fuelled cramming. But taking care of yourself is just as important as acing those tests. Psychology student Riya shares 5 ways to take care of yourself by...
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Celebrating World Mental Health Day: a message from our Vice-Chancellor Professor Phil Taylor
World Mental Health Day on October 10th is an opportunity to raise awareness and discuss the importance of taking care of our mental health, as well as reduce the stigma surrounding mental health matters. The theme this year is ‘Mental...