Labour Market Intelligence
Graduate Fair Blog Series: Looking for work locally?
This blog entry is a part of the Graduate Fair Blog Series introducing sectors and industries which will be present at the University of Bath Graduate Fair, Tuesday 25th April. Please go here for more information about the fair and...
Researching employers using library databases
Researching employers using library databases I recently went along to a careers skills session delivered by Management Librarian Helen Rhodes. The aim of the session was to look at some useful tools to help students find business and industry information...
Play games and score a graduate job!
I have a confession to make... I have got to level 409 on Candy Crush and have three stars in all the levels! Whilst this fact will never make it to the top of my CV, I have recently learnt that gamification...
How LinkedIn can help you find employers
We are going to shamelessly link to the University of Leeds Careers Centre Blog as they have done an excellent job, through three blog posts, in writing about how you can use LinkedIn to find relevant employers. Thank you Team Leeds!...
The futures bright, the futures green!
This week representatives from 195 countries are attending the Paris Climate Summit along with 138 leaders including US president Barack Obama, China’s Xi Jinping, India’s prime minister Narendra Modi and the UK’s David Cameron. The objective of the summit is for all...
Does 'Big Data' present big opportunity?
I caught a really interesting programme a few weeks back on Radio 4's PM about the Chinese governments plans to give every citizen a 'social credit score' by the year 2020. In fact this seemingly ambitious goal is very much on track...
Will a robot take your job?
Following the report by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills about the future of jobs in 2030; futurologists warn that it would be wrong to assume that today’s money spinning careers such as banking or law – will remain the best paid jobs...
Opportunities for UK graduates in China
Yesterday, George Osborne announced a feasibility study to link the London Stock Exchange with the Shanghai Stock Exchange, this initiative would enable Chinese and British shares to be traded in both countries. This announcement comes off the back of a £2bn deal under...
PwC is Scrapping UCAS Points As Entry Criteria For Graduate Jobs
One of the UK's largest graduate employers is to scrap using UCAS points as entry criteria for its graduate scheme, something which could lead to a huge shake-up in the recruitment sector. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is believed to be the first...