Congratulations to our new HEA Fellowship holders via the Bath Course

Posted in: Academic staff development

The Bath Course is for lecturers and teaching fellows to develop their understanding of academic practice within their individual, departmental and disciplinary context whilst on probation. Successful completion of all elements of the course results in obtaining HEA Fellowship.

Dr Lenka Banovcova leads on the Bath Course with support of colleagues from Academic Staff Development, the Centre for Learning and Teaching, other professional services, as well as academic departments/divisions

Congratulations to all colleagues who have achieved HEA Fellowship (conferred August 2019).

The following achieved Fellow (FHEA):

Stephen Allen, Lecturer, Dept of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Andrew Avent, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Mechanical Engineering

Derek Bolton, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Politics, Languages & International Studies

Adam Brazil, Teaching Fellow, Dept for Health

Deborah Brewis, Lecturer, School of Management (FHEA previously achieved)

Lee Bryant, Lecturer, Dept of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Zoe Burke, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Biology and Biochemistry

Mattia Cacciatori, Lecturer, Dept of Politics, Languages & International Studies

Bernardo Castro Dominguez, Lecturer, Dept of Chemical Engineering

Joanne Cranwell, Lecturer, Dept for Health

Jo Davis, Professional Practice Tutor, Dept of Social and Policy Sciences

Benoit Dillet, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Politics, Languages & International Studies

Sergey Dolgov, Lecturer, Dept of Mathematical Sciences

Brett Edwards, Lecturer Dept of Politics, Languages & International Studies

Luisa Enria, Lecturer, Dept of Social and Policy Sciences

Wendy Fletcher, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Joseph Flynn, Lecturer, Dept of Mechanical Engineering

James Foadi, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Mathematical Sciences

Fernanda Gallo, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Politics, Languages & International Studies

James Gopsill, Lecturer, Dept of Mechanical Engineering (FHEA previously achieved)

Richard Hamshaw, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Psychology

Simon Hayhoe, Reader, Dept of Education

Alfred Hill, Lecturer, Dept of Chemical Engineering

Jo Hyde, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Computer Science

Sadegh Javaheriafif, Teaching Fellow, School of Management

Samuel Johnson, Lecturer, School of Management

Claudia Kustner, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Psychology

Cornelia Lawson, Lecturer, School of Management

Zack Lyons, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Computer Science

Zainab Mai-Bornu, Research Associate, Dept of Social and Policy Sciences

Peter Manning, Lecturer , Dept of Social and Policy Sciences (FHEA previously achieved)

Lucy Noble, Teaching Fellow, Dept for Health (FHEA previously achieved)

Bhagyashree Patil, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Computer Science

Sally-Ann Prater, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Ting Qiu, Teaching Fellow, School of Management

James Scobie, Lecturer, Dept of Mechanical Engineering

Erfan Shahabpoor Ardakani, Lecturer, Dept of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Annie Snelson-Powell, Lecturer, School of Management

Kerry Street, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Emma Taylor, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Jennifer Thomson, Lecturer, Dept of Politics, Languages & International Studies (FHEA previously achieved)

Philippe Trinh, Lecturer, Dept of Mathematical Sciences

Ana Catalano Weeks, Lecturer, Dept of Politics, Languages & International Studies

Rob Wortham, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Paolo Zeppini, Lecturer, Dept of Economics

The following achieved Associate Fellow (AFHEA):

Luke Cahill, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Politics, Languages & International Studies

Lisa Guthrie, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Psychology

Nektaria-Efstathia Kourtali, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Education

Ben Radley, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Social and Policy Sciences

Posted in: Academic staff development


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