Launch of new PedR community at Bath

Posted in: research, teaching

At EduFest 2019, Corony Edwards delivered a workshop which explored the idea of developing a pedagogical research community at Bath. Thanks to the interest and enthusiasm of those who attended, we were able to invite Corony to run a follow-on workshop to help colleagues take their next steps in developing a successful ‘PedR community’ at Bath.  In her workshop, an enthusiastic group tackled a series of questions aimed at developing a common set of goals, approaches and actions.

What do we do well at Bath and what challenges do we face?

The workshop started with the basics of support for pedagogical research here at Bath: what we think we do well, what we find challenging, and what opportunities are available to us. The discussion threw up some interesting common themes, ranging from our strength as a research-based institution to the challenges posed by limited resources, with pedagogical research being seen as a voluntary activity carried out in academics’ limited spare time.

Where would we like to focus our time and energy?

Fruitful areas of research for team collaboration are numerous, so the 10 research domains put forward by the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) were a useful starting point to decide on the key research themes for the group.  Asked to vote on those that particularly interested them, the group identified their top four priorities as: Learning, Teaching and Assessment, Inclusivity and Diversity, Digital Practice, and Academic Practice. Whilst the chosen themes tended to match the personal research interests and enthusiasms of those in the room, it was anticipated that they could overlap with some of those held by Bath as an institution.

What would be the purpose of a PedR community?

  • Create good connections - for individual academics, such connections could offer valuable support, stimulation and encouragement, as well as an opportunity to network with those who have similar research interests and a shared sense of commitment.
  • Create good quality research – at a broad level, high quality pedagogical research would serve to enhance the University’s research reputation, as well as establish as link between innovative learning and teaching and enhanced student experience.
  • Share resources and skills – guidance and information would largely be digital in form, but would also extend to include regular PedR community events where colleagues could collaborate, share early research ideas and work, and offer peer review.
  • Share findings - largely through publication in journals or at conferences, at a national and international level, although the PedR community would also play a role in ensuring that education innovation and experience were shared with colleagues crossed disciplines, across the wider University.


Join the PedR@ Bath community!

The next session of the PedR community will be held on Friday 8 November (12:15 – 13:45). We’re delighted that Rachael Carkett, Academic Staff Development, Centre for Learning & Teaching, has offered to become our PedR@Bath Champion and will lead this workshop.  If you would like to be added to the PedR @Bath mailing list, be notified of future PedR@Bath events, or have any queries, please contact Sue Watts at:

Posted in: research, teaching

Book your place at our next PedR workshop


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