An update on EduFest 2020

Posted in: learning and teaching, transition

We are delighted to have been overwhelmed with so many high quality proposals to participate in EduFest 2020. This is so pleasing to see. We had hoped to reach this level of interest over a longer period of time but it's clear that there is real demand for an opportunity to share practice and put scholarship in the public domain.

It is therefore with some sadness that we have to advise that we will postpone EduFest for this academic year. We are anxious to keep momentum going though, so are exploring options for when we can run the event at a later stage, either live or virtually.

On this basis, we will continue the proposals process and offer feedback, with a view to making the event happen as soon as we possibly can.

In particular, we know that the current situation has meant that for some colleagues, it has been difficult to focus on preparing a proposal before the submission deadline. If you would like to add a proposal, do please let us know by contacting Sue Watts at: Likewise, if you are aware of a colleague who is in this situation, please  ask them to contact us direct.

Stay safe and see you soon!

Dr Andy Pitchford, Head of Learning and Teaching
Centre for Learning & Teaching

Posted in: learning and teaching, transition


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