Celebrating academic success

Posted in: Academic staff development, learning and teaching

Congratulations to our new HEA Fellowship holders via the Bath Course!

The Bath Course is for lecturers and teaching fellows to develop their understanding of academic practice within their individual, departmental and disciplinary context whilst on probation. Successful completion of all elements of the course results in obtaining HEA Fellowship.

Dr Lenka Banovcova leads on the Bath Course with support of colleagues from Academic Staff Development, the Centre for Learning and Teaching, other professional services, as well as academic departments/divisions.

Congratulations to all colleagues who have achieved HEA Fellowship (conferred March 2020).

The following achieved Fellow (FHEA):

John Campbell, Dept for Health

Samantha Curle, Dept of Education

Charlotte Dodson, Dept of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Tania Griffin, Dept for Health

Pamela Jacobsen, Dept of Psychology

Ricky Kanabar, Dept of Social and Policy Sciences

Wenbin Li, Dept of Computer Science

Uriel Martinez Hernandez, Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Rachel Paskell, Dept of Psychology

Salman Shahid, Dept of Chemical Engineering

George Stothart, Dept of Psychology

James Taylor, Dept of Chemistry

Max Western, Dept for Health

The following achieved Associate Fellow (AFHEA):

Ben Pooley, Dept of Mathematical Sciences

Daniel Shaw, Dept of Biology and Biochemistry

Posted in: Academic staff development, learning and teaching


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