The Centre for Learning and Teaching were delighted to learn earlier this week that the new University of Bath Pathways to HEA Fellowship Scheme at Descriptors 1-3 has been awarded accreditation by Advance HE. The Accreditation Panel congratulated the University for such a strong submission, which “demonstrates an established and strong institutional commitment to the development of staff that teach and support learning in higher education.”
The University was commended on several areas of good practice, including the inclusive nature of the Scheme through an extensive portfolio of professional development on offer to staff. The Academic Professional Development for All Staff (APDaS) curriculum, within which the Scheme resides, offers a wide range of development opportunities, including the annual EduFest learning and teaching conference, as well as resources and events to support staff in the development of their teaching practices.
Advance HE said: “It is clear that the character and needs of all staff are core to the design of the University of Bath Pathways to HEA Fellowship Scheme”.
In addition, they recognised the Scheme’s focus on encouraging both new and experienced staff to engage more fully in professional development as life-long learners.
The University of Bath Pathways to HEA Fellowship Scheme was also praised for its commitment to alignment with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF). The UKPSF has been developed as a standards framework for the higher education sector, and sets out the Areas of activity, Core Knowledge and Professional Values demonstrated by those teaching and/or supporting higher education learning.
More information about the new Pathways to HEA Fellowship Scheme will be available in late July and August.