University of Bath's Pathways to Fellowship scheme successfully reaccredited by Advance HE

Posted in: awards, learning and teaching, teaching

The University of Bath’s Pathways to Fellowship scheme has been successfully reaccredited by Advance HE, enabling it to continue to award Fellowships in recognition of staff commitment to enhancing teaching, learning, and the student experience. 

This accreditation, which runs until 2028, demonstrates the strength of the University’s ongoing ambition for staff development in teaching and learning and enables colleagues to gain internationally-recognised endorsement of their practice. 

Commenting on the reaccreditation, Prof. Julian Chaudhuri, PVC Education and Global, said: 

I want to congratulate the CLT on the hard work it has put into this successful outcome. Pathways to Fellowship not only plays a key role in supporting staff to develop their teaching practice, but also enables colleagues to gain due recognition for the quality and impact of their commitment to our students’ learning experience. 

Pathways to Fellowship

The newly refreshed and renamed Pathways to Fellowship scheme is operated by the Centre for Learning and Teaching and consists of two distinct pathways for staff. 

The Probationer Pathway features a core programme specifically designed to support new lecturers to develop their teaching skills. Activity is practice-based, encouraging sharing of ideas and reflection, using this to help individuals in their application for Fellowship. 

For all other staff who teach or support teaching and learning, the Experiential Pathway provides a supportive approach to application, including introductions to the Fellowship process as well as guiding individuals in reflecting on their experience. 

Dr Lenka Banovcova, the Pathways Scheme Lead, said: 

I’m delighted we are able to support and encourage staff development through Pathways. The new scheme emphasises an inclusive and collaborative approach, based on the sharing of ideas, experiences, and mutual learning between participants. 

How can you get involved in Pathways?

The University is accredited to make awards in the categories of Associate Fellow, Fellow, and Senior Fellow. To find out which category might be suitable for your context and how to get recognition for your teaching and learning support, sign-up for one of our Introduction to Fellowship sessions. 

If you have already achieved Fellow or Senior Fellow status, then contact the CLT Pathways team to find out how you can support colleagues by joining our network of champions, reviewers, senior observers and mentors. 

Posted in: awards, learning and teaching, teaching


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