On the Pathway to Fellowship: early reflections from the new Probationer Pathway

Posted in: Academic staff development, learning and teaching, Teaching development, Uncategorised

Lenka Banovcova (Pathways to Fellowship Scheme Lead) reflects on this year's Probationer Pathway...

Our newly reaccredited Pathways to Fellowship scheme launched in September 2024 with a fresh cohort of 30 participants joining the Probationer Pathway, specifically designed to support probationary lecturers.

The new cohort of staff were greeted at the start by Julian Chaudhuri (PVC Education & Global) and Momna Hejmadi (Associate PVC Education Quality & Enhancement) who both delivered inspiring messages pointing at the value placed on teaching at Bath and the importance of professional development in teaching for career progression. These impactful messages were further enriched by personal stories shared by each leader, underscoring the importance of professional support and community within the University.

Delivered by the CLT, the Probationer Pathway places particular focus on addressing the everyday challenges and situations that participants encounter in classroom and online teaching environments. The redesigned programme emphasises an interactive approach whilst prioritising practical teaching approaches aligned with the internationally-recognised Professional Standards Framework 2023.

Community-building aspect is central to the scheme’s mission and fosters an environment based around shared learning and mutual assistance. A new buddying system has also been introduced, encouraging participants to collaborate more closely across departments. This initiative provides a platform for colleagues to support one another in both their teaching development and overall wellbeing.

Staff feedback from the initial sessions has highlighted the pathway's collaborative nature and supportive atmosphere as particularly appreciated aspects. Participants have commented on the benefits of ‘getting opinions from peers from other departments’ and the ‘clarity of information and regular engagement with the course’. Group activities have also been especially valued as they offer opportunities for participants to share and discuss their experiences directly.

We hope that all participants in this semester’s cohort feel well-supported, confident that whatever teaching challenges they may face, they have a network of colleagues ready to offer advice, guidance, and encouragement.

Posted in: Academic staff development, learning and teaching, Teaching development, Uncategorised

Find out more about Pathways to Fellowship


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