Sophie Madison

  • Watch our LGBT+ History Month Lecture: Understanding LGBT+ working lives in the UK

    Yesterday Kaleidoscope were pleased to welcome Dr Luke Fletcher from the School of Management to give an online lecture about a recent research report he co-authored with the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) on the working lives of...

  • New leaflet on being a trans ally

    Jimmy Brightwell, Kaleidoscope's Gender Identities Representative, has created a short, easy to digest leaflet for those who want to learn more about what being trans means, and how you can support trans people. So why not make yourself a cup...

  • 2020-21 group goals

    We are excited to announce the 2020-21 group goals for Kaleidoscope, the LGBT+ group for Staff and PGRs. Following a consultation with our membership we have written these goals to help guide the actions of the committee throughout the year....

  • Transgender Day of Remembrance panel discussion - 20 November 2020

    We are excited to be putting on an online panel event for the Transgender Day of Remembrance 2020 (TDOR). Kaleidoscope will be joined by a student, an alumna, and a former staff member who will be discussing what TDOR means...

  • LGBT+ allyship training

    Would you like to find out more about being at LGBT+ ally? Want to show other staff and students you are an ally to the LGBT+ community? Then why not take part in our Kaleidoscope verified allies programme. We have...

  • New terms of reference

    We are proud to announce that Kaleidoscope, the LGBT+ Group for Staff and PGRs, has a new Terms of Reference. You can read the one page document here. The short document covers the aims of the group, details of membership...

  • Introducing the Kaleidoscope Staff Media and Book Club

    Last month we announced that we had appointed a new Staff Events Manager to plan staff only events every term. The first of these will be a virtual Media and Book Club, which we hope to make a regular event....

  • Are you an LGBT+ Ally?

    Do you consider yourself an ally to the LGBT+ community? Then consider joining our network of LGBT+allies at the University. When you join our network you will be first to be notified of training and events, and will get first dibs...

  • New Committee members - Summer 2020

    We are really pleased to say we have two new committee members join us this summer, a Gender Identities Representative and a Staff Events Manager. Please read below for a little introduction to each new member and their role. Gender...

  • New committee member required: Staff events manager

    We are looking for a new committee member to join our fun and open team. Please find a role description for the position of Staff events manager below. We invite all academic, professional services and operational staff to show interest in this role. If you are interested, please email with any questions,...