Faculty of Science
Dispensing a Dose of Pharmacy Wisdom
Hi, my name is Madaleine, and I am a 3rd year Pharmacy student at the University of Bath. So, why did I choose Pharmacy? Well, I studied A ‘levels in Biology, Chemistry and History and enjoyed them all but knew that...
Why I chose to study Biomedical Sciences at Bath
Why I chose to study Biomedical Sciences at Bath. Choosing a university was particularly difficult for me due to COVID-19, which meant that visiting universities in person was not possible. Here, I take you through my journey of choosing a...
Studying Natural Sciences and being a woman in STEM at Bath
Hi! My name is Kesia and I am just finishing my second year studying Natural Sciences at Bath with a Biology major and Chemistry minor. Why Bath? I started looking at universities very early on in year 12 because I...
One Young World: Meet the Committee
‘For it is not differences that immobilizes us, but silence. And there are so many silences to be broken’ – Audre Lorde. I think the reason why all of us on the One Young World Bath team joined this project...
What we learned at the One Young World Bath 2022 Caucus
One Young World Bath 2022 Student Organising Committee Earlier this year, the University of Bath hosted One Young World’s sixth annual caucus; a one-day hybrid conference with inspiring keynotes, panel discussions and workshops with a focus on three United Nations...
Women in STEM: Their experience and their advice.
Being a woman in STEM myself, I have found it difficult to ignore the low female to male ratios and the experiences associated with them. Like everyone else, there are times when I have loved my course and other times...
Choosing Bath as an international student
Choosing Bath for my undergraduate degree was probably one of the biggest decisions I have taken in my life. Deciding where to go to university is a difficult decision as such, but I think that it has become even harder...
Welcome to the Chemistry department
Having started my second year of chemistry at Bath in October, being on campus for labs and lectures is very different to last year, where the majority of my studies were online due to Covid. So far, it has been...
Choosing Bath...updated
When it comes to choosing a university there are so many options, with each of them trying to entice you with their “unique” opportunities, whether it’s a Harry Potter Society (which Bath does have) or a top of the range...