Aiste Senulyte
Aiste Senulyte24 May 2023
Collaborating with GW4 Network on Maternity Leave
In 2022, I began a conversation with GW4 Network on Maternity Leave to discuss a potential collaboration opportunity that would support our Athena Swan commitments as well as help explore issues surrounding maternity leave provision and its effect on gender...
Aiste Senulyte27 February 2023
International Women's Day'23: in conversation with Prof Nancy Harding
In the run up to International Women’s Day celebrated on 8th March, Prof. Rajani Naidoo, Vice-President Community and Inclusion, invited Prof. Nancy Harding, Professor of Human Resources Management and Head of the Strategy and Organisation Division at the University of Bath...
Aiste Senulyte7 February 2023
5 Things I Learned From 5 Amazing Women in STEM: guest blog
To mark International Day for Women and Girls in Science on 11th February, we invited Josie Elliott, PhD in Research Programme in Biosciences, to talk about Life Sciences Department’s Research Day and key lessons learnt there. Over to you, Josie!...
More from this author
Aiste Senulyte31 May 2022
Discussing LGBTQ+ favourites and Pride with Jessica Price
Name: Jessica Price Role: ED&I Coordinator Pronouns: She/They How long have you worked at the Uni? What does your role involve? I’ve been working at the Uni for 3 years, now – I started in the Postgraduate Admissions team in...
Aiste Senulyte12 January 2022
Athena Swan Anniversary stories: a round up
Aiste Senulyte14 May 2021
Results from the latest Athena Swan round
In November 2020 assessment round, the Department of Education has been awarded its first Bronze Athena Swan award and the Department of Computer Science re-gained its existing Bronze accreditation, celebrating good practice in gender equality. For the Department of Education,...
Aiste Senulyte20 April 2021
Athena Swan Charter Review: summary of key developments
Key points and reflections from your ED&I Officer Applications: Departmental applicants will be required to consider departmental culture in their application and to include the data from a standardised sector-wide culture survey (already designed, to be released in June 2021)....
Aiste Senulyte3 March 2021
IWD: celebrating Early Career Researchers at the University
Last year, as part of Athena Swan Anniversary stories series, we have talked about a growing number of women in professoriate and raised the profile of various routes to professorial roles. For this year's International Women's Day (IWD) feature, ED&I...
Aiste Senulyte3 March 2021
Gender differences in promotable vs non-promotable tasks
Context Three months ago Department of Education submitted for their very first Athena Swan Bronze award. While they're awaiting an outcome and a green light to start action plan implementation, their Departmental Self Assessment Team (DSAT) Chair Dr Rita Chawla-Duggan...
Aiste Senulyte1 March 2021
Our Athena Swan Silver journey so far: collaboration, aspirations and next steps
It has been a year of worthwhile progress for USAT and we asked Dr Marion Harney, who is the Chair of USAT and the University Athena Swan Leader, to discuss key highlights from the last 12 months, themes that USAT...