The Technology-Enhanced Learning Team is offering a number of drop-in workshops to develop and enhance your Moodle courses.
The workshops will introduce you to the Bath Baseline, an easy-to-follow guide designed as a set of minimum recommendations that staff who teach can use to develop their online courses. It focuses on key areas such as consistency of online content, accessibility, communicating online and using online resources. For those looking to develop their skills further, we are also launching the Bath Baseline+ which provides additional advice and ideas for enhancing online teaching. Expert advice will be on hand to review your Moodle courses and suggest ways to improve your online teaching content.
18th October, 24th October, 7th November, 15th November, 29th November
Drop-in between 12:15 – 2:15pm, Chancellor’s Building 5.13
Who is it for?
The Bath Baseline is aimed at any member of staff who teaches online. It provides practical ideas and suggestions, and sets out clear recommendations for ensuring online courses are fully accessible and inclusive.
The Bath Baseline is designed as a set of recommendations and guidance to help staff enrich their online teaching, and we encourage staff to think about ways to make their online content clear, structured and engaging for students. For new programmes and modules, we recommend that you work with your Faculty Learning Technologist at the design stage, in order to create a layout that is consistent with the Baseline.
Is there any help available?
In addition to the Baseline and Baseline+, a set of online guides and templates are being produced to support staff and will be made available shortly. Further, a series on workshops are being rolled out this semester, where staff can share their Moodle courses and receive expert advice on ways to enhance their online teaching. In addition, Faculty Learning Technologists are working closely with Associate Deans for Teaching and Learning to ensure that all teaching staff are introduced to the Baseline, and receive support and help in their Faculties.
Although not an academic I wish to develop online courses on the use of Assistive Technology and would appreciate some support. Thanks
Hi Tim, Thanks for your query - I'll pass this onto our TEL team, who will contact you directly. Sue Watts, Centre for Learning & Teaching (ext. 5297)
Hi. Does "Drop-in between 12:15 – 2:15pm" mean any time during that 2-hour slot, or does it have to be for the whole two hours? I am asking because I would like to come on a Wednesday, however I teach until 13:05. Please let me know, thanks.
Hi Rachel, Each drop-in workshop begins with a short introduction, followed by hands-on sessions with individuals. It's quite alright if you can't manage the full two hours - book a place on the session and come along when you've finished teaching. Hope this helps. Sue Watts, Centre for Learning & Teaching (ext. 5297)
Hi, will this be running again next year? I would find it most helpful towards the end of the summer, during which time I'll be thinking about getting my unit content on Moodle.
Hi Katie,
Thanks for getting in touch. I would imagine it will because we run sessions throughout the year. But please feel free to contact out Technology Enhanced Learning team directly on and they'll be happy to help you on a 1-1 basis.
Best wishes, Sarah