Congratulations to our latest Bath Scheme Fellows

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The Bath Scheme provides a route for experienced teaching staff to use their experience to become a nationally-recognised Fellow of the HEA. The Bath Scheme compliments our Bath Course for new academic staff and forms part of our drive to improve teaching standards for all students at the University of Bath.

The Bath Scheme’s Director, Dr Rachael Carkett, manages the scheme and with the support of the Departmental/Division Bath Scheme Champions applicants are supported through the process.

Professor Andy Burrows said, “The application process forced me to reflect on what I do and why I do it. It's easy for this to get squeezed out by more urgent matters, so having to take a step back is definitely beneficial. It's great to have my experience and commitment to education recognised with a Senior Fellowship."

​Professor David Coley said, "I found the whole process both interesting and informative. It made me question some of the assumptions I build my teaching upon, and encouraged me to return to the literature to discover new approaches"

Dr Steffi Colyer added, “The support and resources really made this process more manageable. This wasn't just a "tick box exercise" for me. I found the reflective and forward-planning aspects of the application process particularly useful and have already implemented many new strategies in my teaching.”

Congratulations to the following colleagues who went through the Bath Scheme in March 2018:

  • Dr Steffi Colyer, Research Associate, Dept for Health - Associate Fellow
  • Professor James Copestake, Dept of Social and Policy Sciences - Fellow
  • Dr Charles Cox, MASH Coordinator, Skills Centre - Fellow
  • Mr James Fern, Teaching Fellow, Dept for Health - Fellow
  • Professor Richie Gill, Dept of Mechanical Engineering - Fellow
  • Dr Yukteshwar Kumar, Course Director, Dept of Politics, Languages and International Studies - Fellow
  • Ms Hannah Sanderson, Curriculum Development Officer, Centre for Learning and Teaching - Fellow
  • Professor David Coley, Dept of Architecture and Civil Engineering - Fellow
  • Professor Andy Burrows, Dept of Chemistry - Senior Fellow

University strategic priorities means that we are currently focusing on core teaching staff achieving Fellow where appropriate. Guidance and support for those seeking Senior Fellow is provided in departments currently.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Bath Scheme, please contact your Departmental/School of Management Division Bath Scheme Champion.


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