CLT Lunchtime Hubs
In semester 2, the CLT hub will focus on the topic of assessment and feedback. We have a range of external and internal speakers who will discuss various research and findings, all of which are valuable insights into how to shape and develop the way assessment is approached at the University.
February Lunchtime Hub
When it it? Monday 14th February 2022, 12.15 - 13.15
Where is it? Online (book here)
What is it? Harvey Tayman, Key Account Manager at Inspera, joins us to discuss feedback and marking in digital assessment.
Feedback is a vital part of students' learning journey, giving them an opportunity to understand how to improve and where to focus their study. Digital Assessment provides the tools and workflows to share feedback with students in a richer fashion, and much more rapidly than before. In this talk, Harvey will discuss how feedback can be used in a formative assessment setting, along with the tools Inspera have to help markers grade summative assessments. He will also share Inspera’s future direction of their online marking functionality.
March Lunchtime Hub
When it it? Tuesday 8th March 2022, 12.30 - 13.20
Where is it? Online (book here)
What is it? We are joined by Juliet Eve, Head of Brighton University's Learning and Teaching Hub, as she discusses her latest research into multiple 'sustainabilities' in assessment and feedback. As Juliet discusses the changes that have been implemented in practice during the last year, the opportunity to reflect on traditional ways of learning, teaching and assessing has arisen. It is an opportunity to consider where time, energy and resources are best directed. Viewing 'sustainability' as a value, a practice, and a behaviour, she explores how various interpretations of the term can potentially work together to bring about an improved experience for, both, staff and students.
April Lunchtime Hub
When it it? Thursday 7th April 2022, 12.15 - 13.05
Where is it? Online (book here)
What is it? Laurence Shaw and Matt Tranter join us from Nottingham Trent University to discuss their research into the immediate effect of Covid-19 on the attainment of Level 4 Mathematics students at Nottingham Trent University. The various styles of assessment used throughout the pandemic has provided the unique opportunity to understand how the same cohort perform in contrasting situations and examination formats. With a focus on the effects of ethnic minority and Widening Participation student attainment in assessments and how that changed post-lockdown, they discuss the findings of their research and explore the reasoning behind any variations.
EduFest 2022
The CLT will launch Edufest with an in-person networking event on the 9th May followed by online sessions on the 10th May. There will be a day-long event of interesting virtual talks and events on this year's theme of Assessment and Feedback. You can also view recordings from EduFest 2021 here when the theme was Transitions in Higher Education. Look out for further information soon regarding EduFest 2022.