Gen AI Assessment Clinic Reflection
Earlier this year, to provide clarity to staff and students on the use of Generative AI (GenAI) in assessments, the University of Bath introduced Generative AI - Assessment Categories. To support staff and provide guidance on how these categories can...
Peer Assessment: A Student-Centred Approach
Peer Review in Feedback Fruits Feedback Fruits provides a series of assessment and learning tools which are integrated in Moodle. This service is provided to staff in a pilot that runs until the end of June 2024, and the main...
Group work, marking criteria, and feedback for large cohorts: Student Champions perspective
Every month, the Students' Union representatives from various disciplines and study levels come together for an Academic Council meeting to discuss their experiences at the University of Bath. In two concurrent meetings, we (the CLT as Assessment and Feedback Champions)...
3Rs in Assessment - Remove, Reduce and Rethink
A guide for designing inclusive assessments: Removing, Reducing and Rethinking barriers to assessment Why inclusive assessment? Inclusive assessment provides equal opportunities for all students to demonstrate their learning. By designing assessments that are inclusive, we also reduce the need for...
How we observe, interpret and assess student learning: Reframing Bloom’s Taxonomy in light of neurodiversity
“Few individuals in the history of education have had greater impact on education policy and practice than Benjamin S. Bloom” (Guskey, 2001) Bloom’s Taxonomy has shaped every area of educational practice from the learning outcomes and assessments we set, to...
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Academic Integrity - Part 2
UPDATE: On the 7 March, the CLT hosted a webinar on Generative AI as part of our EduTalk series. Colleagues from the Departments of Computer Science, Health and the School of Management presented on their initial work and findings using...
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Academic Integrity - Part 1
UPDATE: We are working closely with colleagues across the CLT, Academic Registry and the Skills Centre to develop a joined-up approach to the use of generative AI at the University. Specifically, we have reviewed our Code of Practice, Academic Misconduct...