Digital playground | LITEbox is a University-wide initiative aiming to create an environment where the whole University can learn about new and existing technologies for use in learning and teaching.
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New Technology Demonstration
On Wednesday 13 May 2015, the AV Unit have arranged for Displaynote to come along to demonstrate some of their new products. Their primary product is DisplayNote itself, which claims to offer the following features: The second is...
The App Factory Project
Speaking to my Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) colleagues after the LITEbox project meeting last week, we all relished the opportunity to better disseminate our work and to discover the other work being undertaken across the university. Since that meeting I've...
LITEbox set to launch
A new and exciting initiative, LITEbox, is set to launch on Wednesday 6 May 2015. Supported by the Alumni Fund with two years initial funding, LITEbox (Learning Innovation Technology Environment) is aiming to provide opportunities for staff and students to...
New technology being installed
As part of the Rolling Refurbishment Programme for teaching spaces, the LITEbox spaces CB5.13 and 8W1.28 are to have some new collaboration technology fitted. These rooms will be equipped with a Kramer Via Collage. The VIA Collage is a piece...
Launch Date Decided
It's with great pleasure we can announce that the launch date of the LITEbox project will be on Wednesday 6th May from 1-2pm in CB 5.13. The programme for that day is being finalised at the moment, but will be...