About LITEbox
LITEbox is a University-wide initiative supported by the Alumni Fund.It will create an environment where the whole University can learn about new and existing technologies for use in learning and teaching, and share their experiences of them. LITEbox will achieve this by hosting events and providing information relating to these technologies online.
If you would you like to share your use of technology within learning and teaching, please get in touch.
Previous LITEBox events
Reserve yourself a space at an event by emailing litebox@bath.ac.uk or clicking through each link.
5th May 2017 | TurningPoint Interactive Polling - Free Lunch and Learn Robin Smyth (Turning Technologies) Click Here |
9th May 2017 | MCQs and Deep Learning Workshop: A Possible Fix? Dr Matteo De Tina (University of Bath, Economics) Prof Anthony Gardner-Medwin (University College London, Physiology) Dr Steve Draper (University of Glasgow, Psychology) Click Here |
11th May 2017 | LITEbox Event - Get the most out of BoB Alex Morris (Learning on Screen) Click Here |
25th May 2017 | Re:View (Panopto) Training Drop-Ins William Gaffney (Re:View) Click Here |
Find out more about other previous events with write ups and recordings, or browse related case studies from around campus.
Physical spaces
There are also two physical campus spaces, CB 5.13 and 8W 1.28, designated as LITEbox spaces, which are technology enabled rooms for teaching or student group work.
It will contribute to the University’s mission ‘to deliver world class research and teaching, educating our students to become future leaders and innovators’ by creating a physical and virtual environment where the whole University, staff and students, can learn about new and existing technologies, and share their experience of them.
There is a list of upcoming and past LITEbox events where information relating to upcoming events and write ups of past events is provided.
There are also two physical campus spaces designated as 'LITEbox spaces' for the duration of the initiative. They are located in Chancellors' Building 5.13, a 50-seater PC lab, and 8 West 1.28, a group learning and teaching space equipped with six workzones with docking stations and digital screens. Both rooms can be booked via timetabling.
LITEbox will create a range of opportunities for exploring, learning, sharing and promoting by showing the practical elements of processes. These will include:
- promoting the range of new and existing technologies and tools available for learning, teaching and research
- providing skills development for staff and students
- promoting the support services available on campus for technology-related activities
- presenting a programme of staff and student-led technology-related projects and developments
- providing a new platform for staff and students to raise the profile of their research activities
- publishing a series of case studies from within and outside the University.
Aims and objectives
LITEbox has three main aims, each underpinned by a series of objectives:
Aim 1 - Space and Technology Development: making the best use of facilities and systems
Objective 1.1: Build a detailed understanding of the needs of students and staff in order to develop teaching space appropriately.
Objective 1.2: Provide a physical and virtual environment where staff and students can explore and experience new and existing technologies.
Objective 1.3: Establish an “Advice and Design Centre” to help staff use new technologies.
Objective 1.4: Demonstrate, assess and evaluate new and existing technologies.
Aim 2 - Skills Development: equipping students and staff with digital skills for learning, teaching, and research
Objective 2.1: Promote new and existing skills training for students to improve their digital skills in support of their learning and future employability.
Objective 2.2: Create opportunities for staff to improve their understanding of technology by discussing and exploring with colleagues.
Objective 2.3: Provide a series of presentations, workshops, seminars and training sessions to help staff use new and existing technologies
Aim 3 - Knowledge Exchange: developing Visual/Digital Methods for Teaching and Research
Objective 3.1: Provide a series of seminars and workshops in which academic staff can discuss how technology can enhance teaching practice.
Objective 3.2: Provide a series of seminars and workshops in which academic staff can discuss how technologies, digital platforms and visual approaches can enhance research methods.
Objective 3.3: Create new platforms where staff and students can use new technologies to raise the profile of their research.