July 2022
Overcoming 'LinkedIn Loneliness'!
Hello! It may have been quite some time since you began your course here in Bath and it's that dreaded time of the year when everyone around you is getting jobs, one by one. You need to land a job...
Woodland Court 2021/2022
My Woodland Court Experience (2022) As a student who rather frantically researched all on-campus accommodation here at Bath before making a decision, I soon realised that compared to other halls, Woodland Court is almost a mystery before you move in!...
A summary of my first year as an Architecture Student
Hi everyone, I have just completed my first year studying Architecture here at the University of Bath and I can’t wait to write this blog to share the exciting experience I had during my first year. Course Structure Firstly, I...
Second Year Reminiscions (Semester 2)
This semester always seems to move quickly, one minute you’re getting back into the swing of things from the inter-semester break, you’re working through some lectures and suddenly it’s the assessment period. To be honest, I don’t remember much from...
Best places to eat and drink in Bath
Bath may be a small city, but it punches well above its weight when it comes to amazing places to eat and drink. No matter what cuisine you’re looking for, or what drinks you want, Bath is very likely to...
Debit Cards and Bank Accounts - An International Student’s guide
I am officially done with my first year, and in retrospect, I realise that I’ve had some experiences with banks and managing money that I feel are worth sharing with first-time international students that are coming to the UK this...