CLT EduTalks (previously Lunchtime Hub)
CLT events will focus on the topic of assessment and feedback this Academic year. We have a range of external and internal speakers who will discuss various research and findings, all of which are valuable insights into how to shape and develop the way assessment is approached at the University.
External Speakers
December - Engaging with Academic Integrity
When it it? Tuesday 6th December 2022, 13:15 - 14:15
Where is it? Online (book here)
What is it?Join Dr Thomas Lancaster to find out more about current threats to academic integrity in our universities, along with opportunities to make changes to our educational practices, assessment processes and how we engage with students as our partners. In this interactive webinar, Thomas will explore the principles of academic integrity, consider why students cheat and how to help them to avoid this temptation. Thomas will also explore some of the latest issues in the academic integrity field, including contract cheating and artificial intelligence based writing solutions, both of which are of concern as they mean that students miss out on the opportunity to learn. Contributions to the discussion from attendees will be welcome and time will be available for questions and idea sharing.
January - Rethinking assessment and Feedback designs for learning enhancement
When it it? Wednesday 25th January 2023, 13:15 - 15:15
Where is it? In person (book here)
What is it? We are joined by Edd Pitt, Reader in Higher Education and Academic Practice and the Programme Director for the Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education in the centre for the study of higher education at the University of Kent, UK, Workshop on how we design assessments and opportunities for feedback enactment are critical aspects of teaching practice. Assessment design offers a key point of leverage for enhancing education, as many students strategically focus on it. The challenge is how we create motivating, stimulating and challenging assessments which offer integrated and meaningful feedback. Feedback can be one of the most powerful ways of enhancing students’ learning if students are given opportunities to seek out or use all available sources of feedback to improve. Designing opportunities into curricula for students to receive, interpret, and act on feedback can act as a bridge between the assessments students are completing and the teaching environment. The workshop will focus upon harnessing the power of diverse potential feedback sources that exist within the learning environment, exploring how we create meaningful opportunities for feedback in our classrooms, so students appreciate, seek out and enact this feedback.
March - Authentic Assessment
When it it? 22nd March 2022
Where is it? TBC
What is it? Join the CLT and an external speaker on Authentic Assessment. More details to follow.
Taster Workshops: Assessment design, marking criteria and feedback
Join Abby Osbourne, Assessment and Feedback Development Lead and colleagues for 3 x 60 minute workshops
This series of taster workshops will provide practical guidance for staff on bridging the gap between assessment and learning. The workshops will provide guidance on designing and delivering impactful marking criteria, assessment briefs and feedback. The taster workshops are designed to introduce staff to approaches which can be tailored for their subject discipline and student cohorts. The workshops can be attended as a series or as stand-alone sessions. We will share creative solutions from academics here at Bath and have the opportunity to work with the CLT Student Assessment and Feedback Champions.
January: Taster workshop 1: Personalised assessment feedback for large cohorts
When it it? 10th January 11:15 -12:15
Where is it? In person (book here)
What is it? There has been increasing pressure on academics to deliver timely, individualised feedback to larger cohorts of students. This taster workshop will explore how to produce ‘personalised’ feedback in a way that is sustainable for time-pressed academics. The approach will also enable staff to move beyond justifying a mark and deliver feedback which students can engage with and act on. This approach can be scaled up for large cohorts and used to inform both formative and summative feedback.
February: Taster Workshop 2: Cracking the code of marking criteria and mark schemes
When it it? 23rd February 12:15-13:15
Where is it? In person (book here)
What is it? Marking criteria spans the intersection between teaching, learning and assessment. It can act as a vital point at which course learning outcomes are translated into meaningful steps or actions students can take to demonstrate their ability. Yet the language of marking criteria often creates uncertainty for students and staff alike and unpicking this can feel like a form of assessment in itself. In spite of staff’s best efforts, students can lack clarity in terms of distinguishing their analysis from their evaluation or being able to identify what makes the difference between work which is very good and excellent. This practical workshop will demonstrate how to write criteria which is clear, concise and helpful for students and staff.
March: Taster Workshop 3: Writing impactful assignment briefs and rubrics
When it it? 16th March 2023, 13:15-14:15
Where is it? In person (book here)
What is it? Have you set an assessment, only to be bombarded with queries from students about how to approach the task? Or, marked work to find that the cohort has missed the point of the assessment? Writing a clear assessment brief is a skill that is fraught with challenges and requires practise. This session will provide guidance on the ingredients which make up a good task brief. We will also explore the challenge of writing clear, concise and transparent assignment rubrics so that staff can be confident that their students have understood what they are being asked to do. This session is an opportunity to bring along any assignments/ briefs that you feel may benefit from refinement and will help us to view our assignment from the perspective of others.
EduFest 2023
The CLT will launch Edufest with an hybrid event set over two days . There will be a day-long event of interesting virtual talks and events on this year's theme of Assessment and Feedback as well as Networking and workshops. You can also view recordings from EduFest 2022 here. Look out for further information soon regarding EduFest 2023.