Learning Technology Pilot - Feedback Fruits (digital assessment and feedback tools)

Posted in: assessment, Bath Blend, innovation, learning technology, online assessment, online learning, TEL

In the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team one of our roles involves ‘horizon scanning’ across the education sector to evaluate learning technologies and how they can support learning and teaching. Sometimes this can lead us to interesting new tools which we can invest time into investigating. However, to effectively evaluate the pros and cons of a new tool and judge its suitability as a centrally supported tool, we need to try them out in teaching contexts. Can you guess what’s coming?

FeedbackFruits is a digital assessment and feedback technology which can be embedded within Moodle and provides a range of digital activities, including assignment and peer review submission. What interested us about this particular tool is the fact that it employs a more obvious use of feedback and reflection. For example, within a single activity it can track when feedback has been read, allows students to comment on feedback (i.e. start a dialogue) and provides a means for students to reflect on their feedback. The peer review tool also provides students the ability to provide feedback to their classmates.  The potential benefits to our development of feedback and feedforward makes these tools worthy of testing.

Feedback fruits assignment feedback screen.
Feedback is given on submitted work using rubrics or scales, plus comments.
Feedbackfruits peer review.
Students provide peer feedback.
Feedbackfruits feedback analytics.
Students receive their feedback and can respond.

Do you want to take part?

The pilot runs until June 2023, and we so far have a small number of staff interested in using the tool, but we would like to open this up and invite others to come and try it. We’re taking a close look at the Assignment Review and Peer Review activities but there are others that might interest you, including these four (of the fifteen available).  There's no obligation to use the tool immediately, just at any time before the June cut-off point.  All offers of support are welcome.

  • Automated Feedback - addresses mechanical and structural elements like citation, academic style, grammar, and structure.
  • Team Based Learning - helps optimise the implementation of TBL and identify trouble-spots with in-depth insights into individual and team performance.
  • Interactive Document - uses social annotation to encourage student active engagement with reading materials.
  • Interactive Video - uses social annotation to activate student engagement with video materials.

If you’re interested to try FeedbackFruits please contact Yvonne Moore (ym394@bath.ac.uk) in the TEL Team. You can read more about this technology at the links below.

FeedbackFruits website
Tool overview - for descriptions of all the tools
Use cases - read about how other Universities are using FeedbackFruits
FeedbackFruits YouTube channel

Posted in: assessment, Bath Blend, innovation, learning technology, online assessment, online learning, TEL


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