
About the Centre

Established in 2008, the Centre for Sustainable and Circular Technologies (CSCT) brings together academic expertise from the University of Bath with international industrial, academic and stakeholder partners to carry out research, training and outreach in sustainable chemical technologies.

The CSCT incorporates the EPSRC-funded Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Sustainable Chemical Technologies, which funds at least 10 PhD studentships each year and provides structured training and experience over and above that available on a typical PhD programme.

About this blog

This blog reflects the diversity of research and activities undertaken within the CSCT. Content will cover a range of technical levels, but we will always try to make sure it is of interest to the general public.

Contributions are provided by our research staff and students, and occasional guests.

It goes without saying, but views expressed on this blog (or our other social media outlets) are not representative of the official position of the University of Bath, or of the Centre for Sustainable and Circular Technologies.