Following the success of the technology panel debate and Carole Mundell's Lessons from the Universe, we would like to highlight four upcoming events for all staff to attend. Our events range from tips on creating a successful blog, to delivering your lectures with an exciting flipped teaching approach.
If you would like more information, or to attend any of these events please email
Using online multimedia message walls to encourage participation
Wednesday 11 November 2015. 1.15pm - 2.05pm. CB 5.13
An interactive workshop convened by Dr Jessica Francombe-Webb will seek to explore 1) whether online multimedia message walls can address any of the perceived shortcomings of forums, and 2) how multimedia message walls offer alternative ways of collating students' thoughts, ideas and questions to stimulate learning and feedback.
Facilitating virtual group work, online student presentations and remote delivery of lectures using web-conferencing
Thursday 12 November 2015. 12.30pm - 2.00pm. 8W 1.28
This is an LTEO organised event, please email Dan White to book a place
This seminar will focus on web-conferencing to provide innovative methods of engaging with students. Many teaching and learning activities can be moved to an online environment, through the use of web-conferencing tools, offering significant benefits to both staff and students.
Blogging is for pros
Tuesday 17 November 2015. 6.15pm - 7.45pm. CB 5.13
In this session by Ross Ferguson, the different uses of blogging in a corporate context will be explored and some best practice tips for blogging success will be shared using real-world examples of what works. Subjects will include content design, editing, engaging with audiences, and evaluation.
A flipped teaching toolkit for a quantitative module
Wednesday 18th November 2015. 12.45pm - 1.45pm. CB 5.13
If you are thinking about flipped teaching, adding interactivity to your class, or self-paced instruction through virtual learning environments, this session will be of interest to you. Dr Aydin Nassehi will showcase some of the innovative e-learning technologies which he very successfully uses to enhance his teaching practice and increase student engagement.