Kaleidoscope LGBT+ Staff and PGR Group
The LGBT+ group for staff and postgraduate researchers at the University of Bath
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LGBT+ History Month 06/28: Michael Schofield
It’s Saturday the 06th February and the first weekend of LGBT+ History month. As part of our Queeroes series, we begin our day with another LGBT+ icon who helped pave the way forward for equality and inclusivity for LGBT+ people. ...
LGBT+ History Month 05/28: Jackie Forster
Day 5 of the Queeroes series and so many of you have been in touch with positive comments, so thank you for that. This series is here to bring forward the stories of those who made a positive impact on...
LGBT+ History Month 04/28: Alan Turing
Welcome back to another post on our LGBT+ Queeroes series, a daily spotlight on 28 individuals who made great contributions to the fight for equality and inclusion for the LGBT+ community. We are also using this space to shine a...
LGBT+ History Month 03/28: Marsha P. Johnson
It would not be LGBT+ History Month if we did not pay recognition to one of the most important individuals ever in the crusade to equality. For centuries, LGBT+ people have been victims of abuse and persecution from society despite...
LGBT+ History Month 02/28: Gilbert Baker
It’s day 2 in our Queeroes series, a collection of blogs putting the spotlight on 28 figures who have made the world a better place for the LGBTQ+ community. Should you have missed yesterday’s post about Karl Heinrich Ulrichs then...
LGBT+ History Month 01/28: Karl Heinrich Ulrichs
Today marks the start of LGBT+ History month in the UK. This is a special time of the year when people of the LGBT+ community can shine and celebrate and pay respect to the developments in equality for people who...
Five Simple Steps to Supporting LGBT+ Communities
As we kick-off LGBT+ History Month 2021, some of you might be asking yourselves what you can do to be more supportive to LGBT+ communities. Sometimes it can be difficult to decide what the "best thing" is to do, which...
New leaflet on being a trans ally
Jimmy Brightwell, Kaleidoscope's Gender Identities Representative, has created a short, easy to digest leaflet for those who want to learn more about what being trans means, and how you can support trans people. So why not make yourself a cup...
LGBTQ+ STEM Day 2020 - Networking Discussion Event
Kaleidoscope has teamed up with LGBT+ staff groups from the University of Bristol, Cardiff University, and the University of Exeter to organise an online networking event to mark LGBTQ+ STEM Day 2020. Date: 18 November 2020 Time: 4-5pm Please register...
2020-21 group goals
We are excited to announce the 2020-21 group goals for Kaleidoscope, the LGBT+ group for Staff and PGRs. Following a consultation with our membership we have written these goals to help guide the actions of the committee throughout the year....