International students
Nervous International Fresher? Here are my tips!
Don’t worry, we’ve all been there and surpassed it! Packing up and booking the flight that’s going to change your life is the most nerve-wracking but exciting feeling ever! I am excited to share my experience and the rollercoaster of...
Getting Solo International Travel Right – An Airport Saga
It’s almost time to leave for the airport. You check your handbag for the essential documents – passport, BRP, a negative PCR report, and your flight ticket printout. To me, emerging out of London Heathrow Airport with all my luggage...
Dealing with homesickness
Coming to a new place and starting a new chapter of your life is never easy. When I first came to the UK to start uni, I was willing to adopt a new routine and fully immerse myself into university...
How does Brexit affect Me as an EU citizen?
Brexit. Now What? As an EU citizen who had dreamed about attending university in the United Kingdom, Brexit was less than ideal, to say the least. It was something that I was wishing wouldn’t happen. Many factors changed when applying...
Making the most of your time as an international student at Bath
Life as an international student can be very exciting. From meeting new people, exploring new places and gaining independence as a student, these are the experiences we crave. However, it can be quite intimidating as well which is completely normal....
Choosing Bath as an international student
Choosing Bath for my undergraduate degree was probably one of the biggest decisions I have taken in my life. Deciding where to go to university is a difficult decision as such, but I think that it has become even harder...
My Path to Bath
Where do I start? This has been a long journey, and to be honest I can’t believe I’m here. Where it all began I remember attending a university fair with my parents when I was in 9th grade, just looking...
A guide to Wellbeing during exams
There's no doubt that exams are one of the most stressful times in a student's life. Hours of studying, revision and writing exams takes up a lot of energy both physically and mentally, but there is a way around everything....